Friday, December 18, 2009

Where' Are the Christmas Cards

Remember those? Before the days of social media and email, cards were a regular part of Christmas. Back in the day when I was a politician's wife, we'd make our pilgrimage to Keystone at the Crossing to buy more than a 100 cards with our type-set signature line and stamped return address. I could address more than 25 an hour--stopping only to change pens and wet my mouth after all the licking and sealing.

But not only were their McDaniel cards to send there were political candidate cards to to as well. We, no, I mean my husband was in charge of stuffing, hand addressing and stamping cards to a candidate's 10,000+ friends and family. That process started way before Halloween. Fortunately, I complained and wined enough that I was only forced to engage in the candidate card brigade earlier in the marriage. But that was then.

This is now. According to USA Today, Christmas mail has dropped 11 percent this year. Postage is 44 cents a card (last I looked) so maybe that's the reason I've only received three cards and it's already December 18. Or maybe it's because my friends' children are grown and there's no need to send family pictures. Maybe folks have just lost interest and think YouTube, Flickr and Facebook surfice. Or, sadly, some have died.

Frankly, I miss the cards...even the ones stuffed with the three-page, single-spaced Christmas "note" archiving a family 's every move the past 365 days. A Hallmark card with a family picture and a Christmas note was always a highlight of my holiday. I couldn't wait to get home and find mail that came sans postage paid envelope for a payment or donation. I loved catching up with everyone's comings and goings

Now the only way I get to do that is to settle down with the stack my parents still receive, probably because their friends aren't on Facebook, don't tweet or email and still believe, as I do, that cards are an integral part of the Christmas tradition. So I'll stop lamenting and start addressing. Merry Christmas and a healthy and happy new decade to everyone.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm glad I found your blog!

Your comment about the past 365 days of activity was on the mark. My wife and I were laughing a few weeks ago when we received a card from a distant relative (not even a blood relative) who sent a letter with so many details about their family (and their kids who we don't even know).

Throughout the rest of the year, I get emails and mailings from him assuring me he'll do an incredible job selling our home for us.

So now we're up to about 20 different folks we know on a personal level who are real estate agents.


Happy Holidays!