Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Seeing Blue in Liberalville

If you read my previous post, I revealed to the blogosphere my "red" politics. I really didn't go into much but let's just say I was the female Young Republican of the Year in Indiana sometime at the end of a former decade--oddly enough, my husband at the time was the male counterpart. He went on to be the GOP state chairman in Indiana so suffice to say--I've lived and breathed politics most of my adult life--except for now.

After yesterday's sweeping blue victory here in Liberalville, I'm burrowing my head in a pile of limestone dust and forget I ever knew anything about life in a free-market society...a place where people were encouraged to work, support themselves and their families and spend their own money rather than letting the government do that for them. Life in a community where the people knew that roads, highways and transportation were a necessity rather than a hated and unneeded evil.

So we private enterprise, pro-business folk will forge ever onward--not upward--just onward trying to dodge the obstacles local government throws in our faces for another four years.