I've been a life-long Republican and an advance person for Presidents Reagan and the first President Bush (when he as vice president). I've been to three Republican National Conventions, and I've been around many charismatic candidates. But yesterday I had an epiphany. During his surprise visit to the Women's Little 500, I pushed my way to the fence line and Barak Obama shook my hand. Dare I say it--I might take the democrat ballot in the Indiana Primary, May 6.
The excitement Mr. Obama generated with the young people was electric. They were screaming and shouting "We Love You" by the thousands. Mr
Obama held up the beginning of the race to shake hands and encourage all 32 teams of racers. Not one single boo was heard from the crowd as so often happens when politicians appear at sporting events.

My experience yesterday confirms the truth. The country needs a change--a total change--not eight years of reliving the embarrassment of one family's first eight years in the White House. They can't have and don't deserve"Do Overs." Equally, this nation doesn't need more of the same old Republican leadership with McCain.
Its time to clean house, sweep out the cobwebs and give a new, young guy a chance. That's what happened with John Kennedy and I think the nation's ready for it one more time. (I'm just having trouble coping with the idea of asking for a Democrat ballot. Maybe, just this once, I'll take one for the country.)
Perhaps I should invest in Kool-Aid... what flavor was it?
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